"I grieve the flesh-and-blood other. We are dependent. We can't be sufficient only with ourselves, no matter how fully realized all our aspects." Becoming Earth, by Eva Saulitis
How do we know, relate to, and narrate the complexities of living in the North? What words resonate with us when we talk, hear, or read about the place we call home? What sparks us to learn more, change our behavior, and show empathy towards a place and its people? These questions are loaded, complicated, and full of an emotional history of being connected - and disconnected - with a landscape.
Landfalls is a series of dedications to the women who have helped shape my understanding of the physical, mental, and literary landscape that is as broad as Alaska is in size. I hope this work inspires you to read further and find solace and solidarity within the words.
Landfalls is on display at the Haines Sheldon Museum through November 2, 2019.
Landfalls has previously shown at The Bear Gallery in Fairbanks, AK, in AB Hall during the North Words Writers Symposium in Skagway, AK, Kenai Peninsula College in Soldotna, AK, and at the Pratt Museum in Homer, AK.
This project has received support, in part, by a grant from the Alaska Humanities Forum and the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Landfalls has also received support, in part, by a grant from Alaska State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.